The Sacral Chakra, also known as Swadhisthana in Sanskrit, is located in the lower abdomen just below the coccyx or tailbone. It is the 2nd Chakra or 7 and is primarily associated with creativity, intimacy, sexuality, emotional responses and regulation, reproductive function and how we see ourselves in the world.
Remember that chakras are points in the body that control the flow of energy, allowing it to flow freely to maintain your health and vitality. When the chakras develop blockages, this limits the energy flow, therefore it is important to heal the chakra and restore the balance and free any blockages within the body.
When Your Sacral Chakra is in Balance
When in balance, an open sacral chakra allows you to feel emotionally stable, to experience intimacy and love freely and fully. It allows you to feel a sense of belonging, to be honest and non-judgmental about your desires, and to feel energized with a zest for life. Your self confidence is sky-high and you have no difficulties with your sexuality. Your feelings flow freely and you can express yourself without any problems. You feel great compassion and give off warmth and friendliness. You have a great passion for life and want to live it to its fullest.
If you have ever met someone who just simply radiates warmth and genuine friendliness, but without the feeling they are coming on too strongly, then you’ve probably just encountered someone with a balanced sacral chakra.
When Your Sacral Chakra is Out Of Balance
On the other hand, when your sacral chakra is totally out of whack, this can cause many problems.
Over-Active Sacral Chakra:
When you have an over-active sacral chakra you may be more emotionally unstable, possibly over emotional with a tendency to overreact, creating unnecessary drama in your life.
You may experience excessive emotional attachment to people or objects and experience extreme neediness in your relationships. Co-dependency or sexual addiction may also be problems experienced when the sacral chakra is over-active.
Under-Active Sacral Chakra:
If your Svandisthana is under active you may experience a fear of pleasure and happiness and deny yourself from the things that can make you feel good. You may self-sabotage, feel depressed and constantly pessimistic. You can’t manifest what you desire because your thoughts and emotions tend to lean towards negativity. You may experience a lack of creativity and authenticity, a feeling of sluggishness, have a weak sex drive or suffer from chronic fatigue disorder. You may also experience physical symptoms of an imbalance when your sacral chakra is unbalanced, and this may be noticeable through aches or pains in the lower abdomen, lower back and pelvic floor. You may suffer with irregular menstruation cycles or experience urinary problems including bladder, urinary and kidney infections. You may have a low resistance to infection and viruses and even suffer from infertility. There are many ways to start balancing your Chakras and allowing the healing to commence, and here I will show you my 7 Tips to Balance Your Sacral Chakra
No. 1 Colour Therapy Orange is the sacral chakra’s colour, so it helps to add orange colours and hues into your life to help this chakra come back into alignment. You can chose to visualize orange, imagining a bright, healing orange glow filling up your entire lower abdomen, and sending it also to any areas of tension in the body. You may wish to light orange candles, have orange cushions or throws, or simply wear something orange. My personal favourite way to help heal and open my chakras is to eat my way there (!!), so try including some sacral chakra healing foods like: Oranges, melons, coconuts, strawberries, mandarins, almonds and especially cinnamon. Ensure to drink plenty of water too.
No. 2 Get in Some Hip-opening Yoga Postures
Yoga poses to open the second chakra often focus on hip opening poses, and that’s because we often store a lot of emotional and physical tension in our hips. Doing these poses directly connects to your sacral chakra and allows for healing to begin.
Your yoga practice should be slow and relaxed rather than fast or overly challenging for optimal second chakra healing.
Try these hip opening poses to help open your sacral chakra: wide-angle, forward seated bend, bound angle pose, cow pose, Pigeon Pose or lizard pose.
See this list for more:
No. 3 I like ta Move it Move it: Get moving - dance, stretch, jump, run! Dance like no one’s watching. Turn up those tunes and get your booty moving. Stretch it out or jog until you’re all good and sweaty! It’s one of the easiest ways to open up your chakra plus you’ll get all those nice endorphins pulsating around your body too – win win!
All of these movements really help you to tone up your body which is ideal for healing your chakra. Why? Because taking care of your body through physical exercise helps to keep your muscles strong and healthy which is great when you’re learning to let go of unnecessary muscular gripping and tension.
No. 4 Let go… Learning to let go of those self-sabotaging unhealthy emotions, habits, people, and memories is so so important. Instead, connect with people who are genuine and who make you feel good, delight yourself in simple pleasures without getting overly attached to them (this is key to promote a balanced second chakra). Let go of feelings of anger, fear, hatred, grief and guilt. Release yourself from energy draining people and addictive behaviours, whether it’s with food, television or games for instance. Knowing how to feel fulfilled and satisfied is part of sacral chakra healing. When we learn to let go of the baggage that we don’t need to carry, we are able to create space and energy for new and better opportunities.
No. 5 Essential Oils for the Sacral Chakra
Try using the following essential oils to aid your Sacral chakra healing:
Jasmine, Rose, Ylang ylang, Sandalwood, Clary Sage and orange
These can be used in meditation, added to your laundry, sprinkled on your bedding, diffused into the air or mixed into your shampoo!
No. 6 Splish-Splosh – get interactive with the water element
The Svadisthana’s element is Water, therefore it makes sense to get outside, plop yourself down by a river, lake, stream or ocean and relax. If possible, wade or paddle your feet through the water to absorb the energy and help your energy flow. Of course, you can also jump in the ocean too!
If open water isn’t close at hand, try taking a bath or a shower to help balance your sacral chakra. Adding a few delicious aromatherapy oil drops to your shower walls/floor or to your bath water will really help provide you with the relaxation needed to keep your emotions flowing.
No. 7 Meditation
Meditation is going to come up a lot in these chakra balancing discussions, you have been warned! And the obvious reason is because meditation is just so useful for chakra cleansing and balancing. You can simply close your eyes, put on some chilled out music and settle in for 10+ minutes of "you time". Additionally, try diffusing some essential oils fitting to the sacral chakra and breathing them in whilst you sit; or maybe burning orange or scented candles to get you more focused. You can even customize your meditations to envision the area of the sacral chakra to be orange and giving off a warm glow, filling up your lower abdomen. Maybe hold your hands on to the chakra area to bring more focus to the area you are trying to heal. Keep breathing deeply and relaaaax in to it.
Keep an eye our for my upcoming blogs on the next 5 Chakras! The 7 Chakras include: The Root Chakra The Sacral Chakra The Solar Plexus Chakra The Heart Chakra The Throat Chakra The Third Eye Chakra The Crown Chakra
Love Emily
Check out my personal blog here: smooshdbananas
Twitter - @smooshdbananas Facebook - Smooshdbananas
*I should note, I am not a medical doctor, dietitian, nor certified nutritionist and I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics, or nutrition.The content from this blog is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases, but instead is intended to provide information and knowledge from my own personal experience and what I believe. It is not a substitute for real medical advice.My studies in nutrition have given me a lot of fantastic information, however I make no claims to any specialised medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions