For Part one of this blog series we shall delve in to the ins and outs of the Root Chakra.
The Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara in Sanskrit, is located at the base of the spine, and is the first of seven energy centres within our bodies. It is the foundation upon which the other six major chakras are built. The word Muladhara breaks down into two Sanskrit words: Mula meaning “root” and Adhara, which means “support” or “base.” Essentially, it translates to ‘foundation’ and is the foundation, or root system responsible for your sense of safety and security on this planet, and the centre upon which you are able to grow and thrive. The root chakra is made up of whatever grounds you to stability in your life, like health, security and the feeling of being grounded. It drives your basic needs, like food, shelter, safety and connection to others, as well as your more emotional needs such as letting go of fear.
When your Root Chakra Is In Balance When in balance you have energy and self-confidence, along with feelings of stability, security, trust and connection. You feel calm, centred and ready for what ever life throws at you. It also means your basic needs are met, you are financially stable, you have a more balanced view of the world, you do not act impulsively on decisions, you generally have a deeper, stronger connection to people and the environment, and you have a healthy relationship with yourself and other people.
When Your Root Chakra Is Out of Balance
When your root chakra is out of balance, you tend to feel unstable and may experience anxiety disorders, fears, insomnia, nightmares, constant worry or persistent stress. You may even experience physical signs of imbalance, like lower back pain, sciatica, problems in the colon or bladder, or have cold legs or feet. You may also experience a lowered immune system with frequent colds and flu.
It’s inevitable that at some point your root chakra will be out of balance; like when you’re moving house, or changing jobs, or when financial worries crop up their ugly head. Sometimes things just knock you off balance and you find yourself feeling controlling or quick to anger, perhaps lacking confidence or motivation to achieve simple life goals.
But, the good news is you can choose to create stability during times of instability and get your muladhara into greater balance, no matter what life throws your way. Here are my 7 Tips to Help Balance Your Root Chakra
No. 1 Connect to the Earth
Healing a blocked root chakra begins with connecting to the earth. Get your toosh outside and be in nature! Breathe in that sweet fresh air and soak up some sunshine. Dip your toes in the ocean or plant your feet in the grass. Dare I say, hug a tree (yep, I'm a tree hugger!) Connect with your foundations and you will already begin to feel a whole lot better. No. 2 Get Your Booty Movin’ Getting outside and doing something physical is the ideal way to restore vitality and energy flow in your root chakra. Try the following to get your chakra open and flowing:
rock climbing
Or outdoor team sports such as football, tennis, basketball or volleyball
No. 3 Get on Your Yoga Mat
Plenty of yoga poses have a strong influence on your root chakra, with many yoga postures being specifically suited to cleansing this particular chakra. The practice of yoga helps to connect mind, body and spirit and allows the body to realign and ease the flow of energy to your chakras. Try a variety of grounding poses like these to help open and align your root chakra:
Pavanamuktasana, knee to chest pose
Janu Sirsansana, head to knee Pose
Padmasana, lotus flexion
Malasana, squatting pose
Vriksasana, Tree Pose
No. 4 Get your “Om” on (AKA Meditation)
Meditation can have a profound effect on those seeking to balance their chakras. To keep yourself grounded, relaxed and balanced, make meditation a daily ritual, taking just 20 minutes twice daily (perhaps once in the morning, once in the evening) to really help reset, rest, and recharge your mind, body, and soul. This powerful spiritual practice can help resolve energetic blockages and can help bring a deeper sense of inner peace and connection to yourself.
No. 5 Reach for the Red – Red Food, Red Clothes, Red Home Environment
The Root chakra’s colour is red, so throw on that red dress, or chow down on some sweet potato and tomato soup when you’re feeling out of balance.
Foods with a deep red colour such as beetroot, red peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes; and seasoning your food with red spices like paprika, chilli and cayenne pepper can have beneficial balancing properties for your root chakra.
Red is the colour of courage, so next time you feel unstable, worried, anxious, weak or incapable; adorn yourself in red! And if your outside attire is off limits, pop on some red underwear! Also try to introduce reds into your home environment. Red cushions, throws, candles etc.
No. 7 Aromatherapy
Our Root Chakra and sense of smell are closely linked, which is why aromatherapy is a powerful balancing tool for your root chakra. Connecting with the aromas of the earth can help bring grounding energy to our root chakra and allow us to feel a connection between ourselves and the earth. Try red oils like ylang ylang or sandalwood.
Keep an eye our for my upcoming blogs on the next 6 Chakras!
Love Emily
Check out my personal blog here: smooshdbananas
Twitter - @smooshdbananas Facebook - Smooshdbananas
*I should note, I am not a medical doctor, dietitian, nor certified nutritionist and I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics, or nutrition.The content from this blog is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases, but instead is intended to provide information and knowledge from my own personal experience and what I believe. It is not a substitute for real medical advice.My studies in nutrition have given me a lot of fantastic information, however I make no claims to any specialised medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions